Group 3
Cordilia Chan. Eunice Chan, Helen Chui, Hebe Lai, Teresa Lai
14th August 2014

Today we attended the second part of
neuroscience. We had a chance to ask any question that we are curious about
neuroscience. We asked about the biological function of sleeping and the
purpose of dreaming. All of us were amazed by how much neuroscientists have
achieved in their field and how awesome their experimenting projects were. The
professor also taught us more on the structure of a neuron and the four aspects
of the neuron doctrine. She also enlightened us with the knowledge of how
science is incorporated into Marvel superheroes like The Hulk and Captain
America. Neuroscience is absolutely an interesting subject. After lunch, we had
an hour-long talk on admissions to Stanford. The speaker gave us hope by
telling us that everyone has a chance to enter Stanford and the school does not
only seek academically outstanding students. Right after that, we had the
second part of intuition and problem solving. This class is definitely one of
the most intriguing ones. We did an experiment on creating the best tasting
lemonade by adding different amounts of citric acid and sugar gradually. We
found out that the cup added four portions of citric acid tasted like hell
while the lemonade with little citric acid and a lot of sugar tasted the best.
We then tried to solve some seem-to-be very complicated problems, but
eventually we solved it by using just simple methods. We realized that we could
become genius by being ordinary, even Albert Einstein encouraged us to try out
everything in our own style. We often restrict ourselves into focusing on a
single perspective, but there are doors around us waiting to be opened. Think
out of the box and we may discover something even the greatest scientist did
not realize. After dinner, we went again to the Stanford shopping center as
last time it was too rush and most of us did not have enough time to buy what
we want. We all learnt last time’s lesson and so everyone arrived punctually at
the meeting place. The program will end in four days. We just wish time could
pass slower, as we would surely miss Stanford so much when we are leaving.
