Group 3
Cordilia Chan, Eunice Chan, Helen Chui, Hebe
Lai, Teresa Lai
15th August, 2014
It was always great to learn human biology in
textbooks, but it is a ton more fascinating to actually enter a dissection lab
and feel the organs in our hands. They were real organs dissected from corpses,
all of us just looked absolutely like professional anatomists when we wore
gloves and observed the structure of the organs. We got the chance to hold and
examine real limbs, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, etc. There was an Anatomage
Table that was created by Stanford. It was awesome to see how technology can be
incorporated into the teaching of Anatomy. There was even a complete scan of a
man which took eight years to accomplish. We got to see rare cases provided by
the hospitals, for example a pair of conjoined twins, a badly damaged leg which
has to be supported by large screws and a woman with ectopic pregnancy. The
medical department has developed systems for medical students to study
different organs using tablets and computers. The most amazing part was the
Oculous. It feels like we were inside a person’s body and exploring the
internal structures. Since a lot of us would like to be doctors in the future, it
was really a very valuable learning experience. At night, we did our final
presentations. We chose to present on the topic intuitive problem solving in
the form of a crime investigation. We were proud and satisfied with our performance,
as we actually applied what we have learnt in the intuitive problem solving
course, which was to think out of the box and try new presentation styles. We
took away precious knowledge and skills which we can totally apply in our daily