2014年8月8日 星期五

Group 3Cordilia Chan, Eunice Chan, Helen Chui, Hebe Lai, Teresa Lai

8th August 2014
We started off our days by savoring amazingly sweet strawberries during breakfast.

 As usual, we had our lessons; today’s highly engaging lessons were as varied as US constitutional law to artificial intelligence. A cultural exchange program with other study tours especially led to a change in our attitude, all of us stepped out of our comfort zone and tried to approach the other students actively. We have learnt to be more active and voice out our opinion whenever it comes into our mind. Computers have become a part of our lives and to be honest, can we survive without computers? However, we never knew what the components of the modern super computers were. We were taught about how computers read and understand by using binary codes in the artificial intelligence lesson.  In the class about law, we learnt persuasion tips like using repetition, quoting from scientific evidences, and we really surprised the professor during the lobbying practice because we did not talked much in the lesson, but we rebutted each other intensively to fight for our own stand. For the cultural exchange program, we performed a Korean minority group dance and it was really enjoyable to dance simple steps together in a big group. At the cluster dinner, a student from Chile approached us but we were too shy to talk to her. We regret staying silent and missing the precious chance to learn about other’s culture. We realized that our purpose of coming here was to communicate with people from around the world. Therefore, we actively started chatting with another group of students from Chile few moments later. We explained to them the unique festivals, cuisines and cultures of Hong Kong while they enlightened us with the information about their homeland. We enjoyed the conversation a lot and we hope that we can meet them again at brunch tomorrow. 

