DAY8 12-8-14
This morning, we had a decision making class. Our teacher is from the decision foundation education. we started our lesson by watching a video about a group of students who were facing challenges during their trip in the Himalayas. We were divided into groups and we discussed about the decision the students should make. It is really interesting to see how people actually face these challenges on their journeys and someday we might encounter them as well. To us, this class was really a life learning tactic and with the classification and plannings the teacher taught us, we do hope that we succeed in making good decisions with positive outcomes.
Later on, we had our second class of evolutionary biology. This lesson was really engaging as we did an experiment on the extraction of DNA from a strawberry. We first mixed water with detergent and salt, then we smashed and grounded our strawberries in the bag, next we added the solution into the bag. After that we added the ethanol and waited for about 10 seconds. We could see white jelly like substances which are concentrated DNA of the strawberry. This experiment was really practical and we really enjoyed doing it.
Break time, we watched the movie Catching Fire and it was really thrilling and exciting. Mockingjay is out in November, still a long way to go but we think that we could never drown our excitement.
It really has been a long day but we do hope that we would enjoy the field trip tomorrow.
Michelle Lai, Giovanna Lau, Samantha Tam, Ellie To, Kelly Yip