Group 3
Cordilia Chan, Eunice Chan, Helen Chui, Hebe Lai, Teresa Lai
9th August, 2014
It is Saturday at
Stanford. We went hiking up the dish of Stanford and took a group photo outside
of the memorial church. We were told that the whole journey we hiked was about
3.5 miles, but it seemed much shorter than that. Although the slope up the hill
was quite steep, it was not too tiring and we did not sweat much due to the
sweet breeze that cooled us down. The view was fantastic at the top of the
hill, we could actually catch the whole view of Stanford and the Hoover Tower
caught our sight as it stood out from all the other buildings.

After the hike,
all of us were exhausted and tired so we all went back to dorm and the
counselors gave us a surprise of ice cream. Everyone raced to the table and
fought for ice cream. Most people fell asleep right after snacks and then woke
up for the walk to the memorial church. As there were weddings taking place
continuously, we were not able to go inside the church, so we stretched the
banner of our school and took a group photo outside of the church. The stained
glass was really gorgeous so we really hope that we could get a chance to take
a look at the inside of the church.